Add your Certificate to your LinkedIn Profile

Congratulations on obtaining your first EUMMAS certification. Why is this important for you and how does it help you? Professional certification is a designation earned by an individual to assure qualification and competencies to perform a job or task. It helps you:

  • Boost your confidence.
  • Stand out of the crowd. Be more visible to prospective employers.
  • Add value for yourself, the organization, and society.
  • Demonstrate mastery of the competencies and knowledge most relevant to employers.
  • Position yourself better and be more competitive in the fast-changing and very dynamic and demanding market.
  • Show your employer that your best quality is the will to change and improve your knowledge continuously.

A short instruction on how to add this certificate to your LinkedIn account and increase your chance to be approached by the most valuable prospective employer is available here.

We wish you lots of success in your career!